In my early twenties it seemed like I had the weight of the world on my shoulders. By the age of 25 I received my bachelor’s degree in psychology and world religion in the midst of what seemed to be the most challenging time of my life. It was during this time that my health took a plunge. I started to experience monthly panic attacks, heart palpitations, chronic Candida issues, worsening vision, muscle twitches, leg spasms, long and painful periods, and chronic migraines to name a few. I felt like a young woman, trapped in an elderly woman’s body. After several doctors wrote me off as crazy (due to normal test results), I decided to search for answers. As a woman of faith, I was seeking spiritual guidance and was led to this scripture: “Ask and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you. (Mathew 7:7) For me, this meant, no matter what the circumstances, at all costs, NEVER GIVE UP.